Back to Blogging

I used to have a fairly active blog something like 8 years ago. Back then I had aspirations of being some kind of tech influencer and was thinking a lot about pageviews, SEO, and things like that. Looking back, it seems I also couldn't decide what kind of blogger I wanted to be. It was a strange mix of tech reviews and political opinions.

I think I got out of my blogging routine once I started working in more demanding jobs in the tech industry, when the problems I was solving were very specific to that company, and stopped fitting the mold where any regular reader would find their contents interesting. I also got more active on Twitter around that time, and was happy to dole out my tidbits of noteworthy content 140 characters at a time.

But recently we've been seeing the platforms people use to post content change their rules or throw ads and paywalls on top of the content, and it reminds me of the Libertarian-esque values of a blog; It's your content, and you own it outright. Sure, you have to do some extra work to host it and help people discover it, but it's yours.

I used to blog for others in a half-hearted effort to build clout for myself. This time around, I'm going to blog for myself. Probably nothing profound, but also nothing artificial or click-bait-y. Just thoughts (and hopefully coherent ones).

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